A post-Christmas roundup with plenty of pictures below and a brief New Year update.

Needless to say, this month has been about shifting focus once again – our routine adapted to accommodate home-schooling and with shops and venues closing, a re-shuffle of some of my project priorities for this year.
I’ve left the ‘open’ sign on the website here for now, as I may be able to take occasional requests, and I will keep making where I can so as to be ready to go again whenever things might be able to open up again… I'll see how that goes.
Meanwhile, here is a little round-up of some of the work that was going on in the autumn and run- up to Christmas last year – it’s not everything, but a few things that didn’t make it onto my Facebook page/social media before Christmas.
Photographing all my fairies and makes in the winter can be hard – especially in the festive season when I’m so busy. Timing is a challenge as I tend to work in the day when the children are at school, and on top of that one of the biggest obstacles is the daylight hours/weather conditions, in terms of getting the right light for photographing – it can make such a difference, and makes planning photo slots tricky. I’m still experimenting with lighting and different ways to approach this in the darker months but so far nothing beats natural light at certain times of day and the season… it does mean that I sometimes don’t manage to get the best photos of some of the things I make.
I also don’t share everything in the run-up to Christmas, as many items are bought as gifts – I wouldn’t ever want to spoil any surprises!
I was so grateful to have been so busy again in 2020 and for all the support. I do buy as many of my materials as possible from small independent businesses and artisans, as well as selling through and working with other small businesses – meaning, that every time someone buys even one fairy from me, it’s not just me they are supporting but a number of other independent ventures too. I love the feeling of that!
Included in the pictures here is a little peek inside some of the boxes from the Crystal Fairy project with JoJo Soul. It was such a lovely project! Each fairy was inspired by a hand-selected crystal – I so enjoyed exploring the colours, patterns and shapes of the crystals and designing each fairy to resonate harmoniously with the qualities of each one. The boxes came together beautifully and I can’t wait to do more like this in due course.
I also made a beautiful ‘Christmas Rose’ fairy – adorned with some gorgeous lace that I found in Haberdashery Twist, Stroud – she was so festive! And a fairy with a face – also upon request – who turned out to be the sweetest thing…

I’ll still be creating monthly Family Craft tutorials and blogs for PowerWood over the coming months, and there are some other projects in the pipeline, but with things still pretty uncertain with regards to the pandemic, I’ll share more about those as and when.
I do hope that however this post finds you, you’ve navigated the bumps of the last few weeks as well as could be, and as the very earliest signs of spring begin to show, at least some things begin to feel a little lighter. It’s felt a bit bumpy here at times over the last few weeks, but with the sun shining again today, I’m going to keep looking for the pockets of small joys… whether that’s in our walks, the projects we manage together and hopefully too, the things we make… 😊