An October-update with a selection of seasonal fairy pictures, including some little witchy-ones, craft projects and a surprise nature discovery at the end...

It's been a busy couple of months here with plenty of fairies coming into being and flying the nest to various destinations...
I always love to take inspiration from the season and this lovely autumnal-fire fairy above definitely reflects all of the colours floating around us just now... even though the season is gradually cooling, to me, the colours are full of warmth and heart and the feeling of cosiness creeping in.
The two flower-fairies below are saturated with greens and botanical blues - I do love to work with greens at any time of year; the 'evergreen' quality is always uplifting, soothing and inspiring in it's connection with nature. Their flower wands are handmade using some beautiful buttons I found locally, and this pair have gone to the Museum in the Park, Stroud, along with some fairy-friends.

The little witchy-ones below were made by request, and I love the playful nature-based energy they bring to marking the season...

I've grouped the two slides of pictures below, loosely in colour theme (purples, pastels, and then more of a mix of primary colours), although they actually all went to different destinations. Some of the fairies are crystal infused, these went to the Indigo Moon Holistics shop in Guildford, and all of them have plenty of seasonal sparkle!

The sparkly fairies will be very at home in the treasure trove that is Haberdashery Twist on Stroud High street - and indeed amongst the sparkly Christmas decorations in any home... All the fairies are hung from an invisible-thread, and as they twirl in a window, or nestle on a Christmas tree, they will sparkle as they gently catch the light...

We've also been making art videos for the Kids Art Spot and as always had plenty of fun with these - both in creating the projects and the filming of them - I love seeing my daughter's interpretation of the activity as we set about filming, and no doubt all the creations of children exploring the videos in the Kids Art Spot will each be unique in their own interpretation as well! Below are a few examples of some of our projects that have gone live already and there are plenty of projects from other creators in the Kids Art Spot too!

There are also some links to recent creativity blog posts that I've written for PowerWood - these are on the Family Creativity page... I'll be exploring more seasonal crafts in the next blog post, meanwhile, the most recent post considers the role of decision-making in creativity - something that I've become increasingly interested in as I'm designing different collections of fairies and leading craft workshops or thinking about how to convey a craft idea, whilst leaving room for an individual's own choices to be made.
And finally... sort of related... we were out walking this last weekend past and ended up quite unexpectedly having a very magical, fairytale sort of day... my son spotted these gorgeous fly agaric toadstools nestled in the woods of the enchanting Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park - it's the first time either of our children have seen these fairytale toadstools in the wild - so we were all very delighted! We also saw the green parakeets and herds of deer, and spent time slowing down to watch them running across our path and through the park, again something we haven't experienced up-close in such a way as a family before. And then, after a lovely afternoon visiting with extended family and running back to the car through the tail-end of a huge storm, we were rewarded with a beautiful rainbow and a gorgeous sunset on the way home! We all had such a lovely autumnal day that felt adventure-filled, even though our walk and time outside hadn't been far or long at all...

Wishing you plenty of warmth, cosiness and magical autumnal adventures of your own - saturated with colour, family festivity (however you might celebrate the season), gentleness as the days soften and maybe some delightful nature discoveries too!

#autumnroundup #fairyupdate #seasons #wheeloftheyear #nature #natureplay #inspiredbynature #flyagaric #woodland #fairytale #magical #gettingoutside #autumnadventures #seasonalcraft